Joseph Campbell and the Monomyth
Joseph Campbell’s “Other” Monomyth – Campbell’s monomyth is usually depicted in 17 stages or 12 stages (Vogler). However, Campbell’s own summary in The Hero with a Thousand Faces suggests a much more manageable six-stage model of the monomyth.

Rethinking Campbell: When Stages are not Stages – Joseph Campbell’s monomyth is the standard, virtually sacrosanct, model of the Hero’s Journey. However, Campbell himself said creating a single model of the journey process is virtually impossible. In “Rethinking Campbell,” I look at how Campbell’s 17 stages can be consolidated into a concise, practical eight-stage model.
The Call to Adventure: Beginning the Hero’s Journey – The Call to Adventure is the first stage in Campbell’s monomyth. The Call is triggered by a disruption to or a limitation in our lives. Our challenge is to “work through” this resistance so that we can restore coherence and flow.
The Call Refused: Evoking the Shadow Journey – Accepting the Call to growth and transformation can be daunting. However, not accepting it can lead to a life of defensiveness, bitterness and isolation: the Shadow Journey of the Call Refused. This article explores the dangers of rejecting the Call.
Vogler’s “Writer’s Journey” – Screenwriter Christopher Vogler modified Campbell’s monomyth to be used as a tool for analyzing and writing fiction. This article introduces and briefly discusses Vogler’s model.
PUBLICATION: Campbell’s Monomyth: The Quest for the Mythic Hero – If you’re interested in exploring the monomyth in detail, check out our recently-updated publication Campbell’s Monomyth: The Quest for the Mythic Hero. This 72-page guide takes you through the key elements in the monomyth and presents them clearly and thoroughly.